Welcome To Vedang Radio Technology
Vedang Radio Technology is a key player in design, development and manufacture of RF and Microwave Products for Commercial Telecom and Defence Applications. The Team with passion for RF solutions...
About Vedang Radio
VEDANG Radio Technology Pvt. Ltd. is ISO 9001 2015 certified company established in 2005. VEDANG is a key player in Telecom, Defence and Industrial segment supplying Radio Technology solutions, employing Embedded, FPGA and Analog & Digital Control...
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Business Verticals
Products and Solutions




Custom Designs
Custom Designs
Vedang Radio has team of highly qualified and experienced engineers in the field of RF, Embedded, FPGA and Mechanical Design. We are well poised to undertake the development components, modules, sub-systems or Systems as per electrical and mechanical specifications provided by the client.
We have history of designing complex RF systems which were successfully integrated with other systems. Few of such projects includes:
Power Amplifier System with Up/Down Converter
200 Watt (CW) L-Band
Power Amplifier System for Air-borne application
100 /200 Watt (CW) VUHF- Band
Power Amplifier System for Naval Applications
400 Watt (CW) L-Band